Craps Controlled Shooting

  1. Craps Controlled Shooting Game
  2. Craps Controlled Shooting Method
  3. Craps Controlled Shooting Ball
  4. Craps Controlled Shooting Targets
  5. Craps Dice Throwing Tips
  6. Craps Controlled Shooting Drills

Most craps players treat rolling the dice as a completely random occurrence. They may wear a lucky shirt or say their prayers beforehand, but they don’t do anything unique when rolling the dice.

Dice control in Craps consists of eight physical elements in order to win. The Dominator's elements from this video will teach you where to stand, how to sca. Dice Control, also known as dice setting or controlled shooting is an advanced form of craps strategy. Some could say it is cheating but technically it is just a type of skill that players can use. It is similar to how players use card counting to gain an advantage in blackjack, except players use dice setting techniques to gain an edge in craps.

However, a small subset of players believe that they can actually control the random craps’ outcomes. They claim that by holding the dice in a certain way and rolling them with a smooth motion, they occasionally manipulate the results.

Dubbed “controlled shooting,” this strategy promises long-term profits through craps. Unfortunately, controlled shooting (also known as dice control) is a complete lie.

I’m going to discuss more on dice control along with why it doesn’t work. I’ll also cover what actually does work when trying to beat this game.

What Is Controlled Shooting?

The first step to controlled shooting begins with gripping the dice in a certain manner (setting). You want to hold the dice in a way that covers up undesirable combinations (usually anything that produces a seven) and exposes the combos that you do want.

How to throw dice consistently

Here’s an example on how this works with the “blanket roll” grip:

  • Start by placing a pass line bet.
  • Wait until a point number has been established.
  • Hold the dice with the three’s in a V-shape (hides sevens).
  • The goal is to toss the point number before a seven.
  • You want a smooth, light roll so that the dice will lightly hit the wall and reduce randomness.

The second step is to ensure that you have some way to practice your toss. You can either rig a craps table in your home or even purchase a regulation-sized table (12×14 feet).

The latter option is expensive and takes up lots of space in a home. Assuming you rig a table that’s close to regulation size, then you can get the same effect.

Finally, you want to practice your toss for at least a couple of hours per day. The goal is to develop a smooth rolling motion that makes the dice kiss off the wall.

The lighter the dice ricochet off the wall, the less chance they have of breaking apart. By reducing the randomness, you supposedly have a better chance of producing desired combinations.

Controlled shooters measure their success through a concept known as Sevens: Rolls Ratio (RSR). This term alludes to the ratio of rolls that produce a seven versus those that don’t.

The odds of rolling a seven combination are one in six (6:1). A controlled shooter seeks to alter this ratio by rolling fewer sevens. You gain an advantage with an RSR of 6.3:1 (a seven once every 6.3 tosses) or higher.

Finally, you must put in the practice to become a better shooter. Experts recommend that you practice your toss at least two to three hours per day. You may need to keep this routine up for months before improving as a shooter.

The Alleged Promise of Dice Control

As with any advantage play method, the goal with dice control is to consistently win profits. Assuming you can toss the dice the same way each time, then you allegedly stand a better chance of winning.

Of course, you won’t successfully control every throw. Instead, you’re merely looking to change the odds once in a while.

Dice control proponents compare this process to an athlete honing their craft. A basketball player, for example, works tirelessly to improve their jump shot.

They’re never going to become so good that they make every single shot. But with more practice, they’ll shoot a higher percentage from the field.

Likewise, a wannabe craps pro doesn’t expect to avoid rolling a seven every time. They just need to roll other numbers consistently enough to overcome the odds and make profits.

This History Channel reenactment (which is completely ridiculous by the way) portrays what happens when a shooter gets hot. On their best nights, they may be able to roll desired numbers quite frequently.

Of course, just like an athlete, they’ll also have off-nights. Their goal is to experience enough hot nights to overcome poor performances and make long-term money.

Why Is Controlled Shooting a Fraud?

Dice control sounds amazing in theory. By practicing your toss, you can develop a skill that will bring guaranteed profits.

However, what sounds good in theory doesn’t always play out in practice. Casinos have designed craps to be perfectly random. And they’ve done a good job at accomplishing this goal too.

For starters, the table features pyramid-patterned wall. You’re expected to hit this wall, or at least make a reasonable attempt at doing so, on each toss.

The fact that you’re hurling two tiny plastic cubes across the table at a textured wall seems random enough. But controlled shooting proponents still claim that you can control tosses with some degree of success.

The problem, though, is that they can’t prove dice control works. Unlike with card counting, hole carding, or shuffle tracking, nobody has demonstrated that dice control is an undeniable success.

Instead, those saying that it works are the same people selling books and seminars on the subject. They’re not exactly the most impartial sources on the matter.

Perhaps the biggest sign that controlled shooting is a hoax comes from casinos themselves. Gambling establishments make no effort to identify controlled shooters and ban them from the casino.

The casino only cares when controlled shooters take too long to set the dice. Some players take as long as 20 seconds to get their grips. This slows down the game and costs the casino profits.

Other than this situation, though, the house doesn’t care if you roll the dice in a certain manner and win while doing so. They fully realize that dice control is fake and won’t hurt them in the long run.

What You Can Do to Win in Craps Instead?

You’re not going to make regular profits with controlled dice today no matter how long you practice. It’s a fake advantage gambling technique that was made up to sell products.

However, you can improve your odds of beating craps through other means. Here are some tips for winning money with the game.

Make the Right Bets

Craps is one of the absolute best games with regard to the house edge. It features multiple regular bets that have low house advantages.


These wagers include:

  • Pass line – 1.41% house edge
  • Come – 1.41%
  • Don’t pass line – 1.36%
  • Don’t come – 1.36%

You can also make Place 6 and Place 8 wagers to enjoy solid odds as well. Both of those prop bets on a carry a 1.52% house edge.

Most casino games feature over a 2% house advantage or higher. Therefore, craps is definitely one of the best games when it comes to the odds.

Back Your Bets With Odds

Again, craps already features several excellent bets. But you can reduce the casino’s edge even further with odds.

A bet on the odds wager refers to bets that don’t have a house edge. Instead, they pay at your true odds of winning.

You must wait until a point number is established before placing one of these wagers. Here are the payouts depending upon the point number that your bet is on.

Pass Line

  • 2:1 pay out on point numbers of 4 and 10.
  • 3:2 pay out on point numbers of 5 and 9.
  • 6:5 pay out on point numbers of 6 and 8.

Don’t Pass Line

  • 1:2 pay out for point numbers of 4 and 10.
  • 2:3 pay out for point numbers of 5 and 9.
  • 5:6 pay out for point numbers of 6 and 8.

Odds are worth a multiple of your pass line or don’t pass line bet. You can take higher odds to lower the house edge further.

Here are the various odds bets along with how much they reduce the house advantage by:

  • 1x odds: pass line 0.85%; don’t pass line 0.68%
  • 2x odds: pass line 0.61%; don’t pass line 0.46%
  • 3x odds: pass line 0.47%; don’t pass line 0.34%
  • 5x odds: pass line 0.33%; don’t pass line 0.23%
  • 10x odds: pass line 0.18%; don’t pass line 0.12%
  • 20x odds: pass line 0.1%; don’t pass line 0.07%

Get Loyalty Rewards

You can collect rewards in online casinos right away after signing up and depositing. The software will automatically track your bets and reward you accordingly.

However, land-based casinos require that you sign up for a player’s club card before collecting loyalty benefits. You can register either online or at the player’s desk.

Comps in real money craps aren’t quite as lucrative as slots rewards, per say. But they do ensure that you pick up freebies on your play, such as cashback, meals, drinks, and more.

Look for Online Craps Bonuses

In addition to offering loyalty rewards, online casinos also feature deposit bonuses. These deals match your deposit by a certain percentage.

Here’s an example:

  • A casino offers a 100% match bonus worth up to $500.
  • You deposit $200 and qualify for a $200 bonus.
  • You can cash out the $200 after meeting terms and conditions.

The terms and conditions are very important in this matter. You need to wager a certain multiple of your bonus (the playthrough) and follow other rules before cashing out.


Furthermore, craps wagers don’t count towards the bonus at every single casino. But as long as craps does qualify, then you should take advantage and earn free money on the side of your play.


There’s no shortcut to beating craps. You can’t just hold the dice in a certain manner and practice your toss to win riches.

Controlled shooting is a bogus strategy that was developed by charlatans who make money off the matter. Therefore, you should completely ignore this so-called advantage play method.

What you can do, though, is take basic steps towards beating craps. Pass line and don’t pass line bets, odds, rewards, and online bonuses all improve your chances of winning.

You may not swing the long-term edge in your favor with these steps. However, you can at least reduce the house advantage by quite a bit and pick up free money.

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Easiest way to lose at craps is by shaking the dice and throwing it down the craps table

You've seen this in movies/tv a million times.

Craps Controlled Shooting Game

The guy asks the pretty girl next to him to kiss the dice.
Then for some reason he shakes the dice real good - making sure the dice are purely random.
Then with a loud holler, wails the dice across the craps table - going all over the place.
If ever there was a way to just donate money to the casino - this is it.

Why is randomly shaking dice so bad? Why will you never win at craps in the long term?

To put it simply? You're ensuring that the natural probability of the dice will occur.
(Huh? That's 'simply'?)
Let me explain... Craps

Casinos have paid lots of money to genius mathematicians to assure casinos always win

No matter how you play craps, the 7 is always beneficial to the casino and detrimental to the player.
Because the number 7 will come up more than any other number when the dice are rolled randomly.
So, if you play the Pass Line, then 7 only helps you during the Come Out Roll.
After the point is made - the 7 has more chances to come up than the point (or any other number).
And if you play the Don't Pass (DP/Darkside), then the 7 has more chances to kill your bet during the Come Out.
(Check out the Dice Rolling Probability chart on this website for a more in-depth explanation.
Add to this the fact that the casinos take a chunk of your winnings - and you have no hope of winning at craps
by shaking the dice as if you were playing Maracas, or something.
Yes, they take a chunk - it's how they make sure they always win.
For example, you're supposed to win $10 when you bet $5 on a 4 or 10.
But if you're Placing the number, you only get paid $9. They keep the $1.
Craps You're probably thinking '$1? Who cares?'. Well the more you play, the more the casino eats away at your money.
When you lose, the casino takes the whole thing. When they win, they keep a portion. No way to beat that, right?

The only way to beat craps is to know the 'Loop Hole' - enter Dice Control

Well, you can't exactly control the dice. I like how the Dice Coach refers to it - Dice Influence.
The 'Loop Hole' is the fact that the casino makes money from craps as long as the dice are perfectly random.
This is how their mathematicians made their calculations.
But what they didn't take into consideration is the possibility that if even one face of the dice never comes up -
the game of craps can be beat.
And how is this accomplished? The magical word is consistency.

Dice Consistency 101 - a few tips for beginners

That's the term I use with my students.
I believe it more accurately describes the goal than either Dice Control or Dice Influence
Here's a few tips you can use to start seeing a little difference in your dice rolling:
  • Learn Dice Setting and choose one set to start with
    A good beginner set is the Hard Ways. This is a good set for visual feedback
  • Keep the dice square on the table, parallel to, and facing the backwall
  • Before tossing the dice, visually choose a spot a few inches from the backwall to land your dice on.
    From now on, you'll do everything you can to hit that spot as often as you can
  • Gently toss the dice, as if trying to 'swish' a basketball through a hoop.
    • When you're hand is 3/4 through the toss, spring open your hand - letting go of the dice
    • Make sure the dice are level in the air - not twisting around in weird directions
    • Spinning backward or forward is fine. Try to keep the dice looking as if they were glued together in the air
  • Observe how the dice land, react to the backwall, and how much they keep rolling after touching the backwall.
    I say touching the backwall, because you don't want to slam the dice into those pyramids.
  • Take a mental note of what the dice show when they come to a stop.
    If you're noticing that the dice are now rolling a certain combination more often - you're on your way
Keep in mind that if you roll a 6 twice in a row - it means little if one combination was 4+2 and the second one was 5+1. Just keep adjusting your throw to make sure the dice land softly on target, lightly touch the backwall,
and comes to a complete stop as quickly as possible (no bouncing around all over the craps table).

A quick check to see if you're still random

An easy way to tell if you're still random is if you're throwing all kinds of 7's.
For example, if you keep shooting a 6+1, but no 5+2's - this is good.
You may have limited the 5+2 from showing up together.
When you set your hardway set, move the 6 to either the 5 or 2 spot.

Craps Controlled Shooting Method

Keep setting your dice this way, and see if it helps.

Craps Controlled Shooting Ball

If not, then readjust.

Craps Controlled Shooting Targets

Repeat this process till you limit the kinds of 7's you see.

Craps Dice Throwing Tips

Craps Controlled Shooting Drills

If you can accomplish this - you're on your way to a few longer rolls, which equates to more possible wins!